Pung Qi En
Haaziq I.
Dr. Siti Akmar Ab Rahim (UNIMAS)
As a supervisor, you will be actively guiding, assessing and supervising the fishers using our #DemiLaut’s app, to help traditional fishers to process data of their daily catches with you, so we could start a transparent, traceable and trackable sustainable fishing operation amongst the coastal fishers too. You would be part of the solution, engaging and empowering the fishers to empathise and evaluate the process and the potential returns from doing so.
It takes time to change mindsets, and to enjoy the possibilities of traditional fishers harvesting data to understand their impacts on the biodiversity of stocks in the ocean and the impact of climate change on the ocean, we all need to be together continuously ensuring that the fishers and those around us could identify with these impacts. And the best way to do so, is by doing it with the fishers themselves.
And that is how you are making the difference as a changemaker!
Now that you’ve got your account working, you might need to consider how it would look like from the fishers’ end. In design, we would refer this to as a perspective. To guide them well, you must be able to see what they see and relate directly to how they could perform an action or also to identify where you could come in to help from your app end.
Let’s look at the perspective when a fisher is interested to be under your account.
Before all, you may be required to firstly provide the DemiLaut App APK file to the fisher’s phone. Guide him / her to install the app on their Android phone and get the app open. The steps to consider would be as described below.
Step 6 : Fill in the Onboarding Fishers
Now that you have logged in, you should be able to engage with fishers and onboard them onto their version of the app. You would want to consider the time you have to spend with the fishers to complete their registration.
If you don’t have much time, you could fill in only required details and the rest of details could be amend later on.
6.3.2 Managing Fishers
The unique feature of DemiLaut’s app is that as a supervisor, you could make changes to the fishers’ accounts and reports on-the-go, just in case the fishers you’re working with requires some help on the reporting and you’re not on site.
6.4.1 Catch of the Day operation
Fishers would go on daily trips to catch fish and most of the fisher would use traditional means to log their catches or sometimes no logs at all. These information could actually help you or the fishers to market their products better and also help to track and trace the fish caught by fishers for governance. Through all our collective efforts, we could someday identify with accuracy the rates of fish caught and compare it to the rates of fish spawned (growth from eggs).
Here you would learn on what are the steps to log the catch of the day for each individual fishers.
Try and test the app function before you start to engage with the fishers. Explore the app and prepare to make changes to records you have registered or tested. The best practise is to keep a clean and transparent data, and if there are any challenges feel free to inform us via the button below.
1. Be mindful of your data and accounts, a 'dirty' data dilutes the accuracy and consistency of the data collected and may affect our outcome